One of the largest problems with Res Wpns Techs, is getting qualified QL5's on the ground. If your Unit can get the qualified personnel, contact the ETSM of the ASU Maint, see if its possible to have him enter your Res Shop onto his PLANN EXpert system. By doing this, the ASU controls the workorders for inspections and repairs, they collect your man-hours and control the flow of parts accounting and you get time on the weapons. I would think any reasonable ETSM would be happy to be offered a no cost way of lowering his back log.
One major obstacle to this is your own Unit, alot of the Service Battalions are only mandated by their Brigade's to service only themselves with the responsibility of other Units which you might be co-located with falling directly under the ASU. Cooperation with an ASU ETSM can influence this.
What makes or breaks these efforts is the Techs, if you come in on parade night with your Tim Hortons in hand and spend the first hour catching up on the local BS, then you will get no-where. In order for this to be a viable effort, the Techs have got to be committed, Shop NCO's have got to have work set up prior to parade night, after parade Techs have got to be on the job immediately, lots of weapons and ancillary equipment, NOT so much time.
Keeping in mind that QL3 Techs have got to be supervised by QL5 min, QL4 trg requirements should be kept in mind when handing out work loads and A senior NCO, either Wpns or Veh qualified should be over-seeing the shop, especially in the safety aspect of operations.
The work is out there, its up to those with the qualifications to ensure everyone knows how willing and dedicated they are to doing it.