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A Compact Clique it seems.


Puggled and Wabbit Scot.
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Some honourable people..... Diogenes had any success yet?

Uproar as Liberal cabinet minister's relative appointed interim ethics commissioner​

Martine Richard is sister-in-law of Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Dominic LeBlanc, who ran afoul of ethics rules as fisheries minister
Author of the article:
Bryan Passifiume
Published Mar 30, 2023 • Last updated 1 hour ago • 4 minute read
Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Communities Dominic LeBlanc rises during Question Period in the House of Commons on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Monday, March 27, 2023.
Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Dominic LeBlanc during Question Period in the House of Commons this week. PHOTO BY JUSTIN TANG /The Canadian Press

OTTAWA — This week’s appointment of an interim ethics commissioner with family ties to a Liberal cabinet minister caused an uproar in the House of Commons.

In a heated exchange during question period on Wednesday, Conservative MP Michael Barrett revealed that newly appointed Interim Ethics Commissioner Martine Richard is the sister-in-law of Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Dominic LeBlanc — a veteran parliamentarian with a history of running afoul of Canada’s conflict-of-interest laws.

Government House Leader Mark Holland did not deny the allegation, instead assuring that measures are in place to ensure the appointment didn’t violate the rules.

“As the member opposite knows, the interim ethics commissioner is a career public servant who was, in fact, engaged by the Stephen Harper government to come into the ethics commissioner’s office,” he said. “She was number two in the ethics commissioner’s office, and she has been working there for over a decade.”

Holland said the appointment makes “absolute and complete logical sense,” and that “ethical screens” exist to ensure conflicts don’t occur.

“The intergovernmental affairs minister — the new ethics commissioner’s brother-in-law — was found guilty of breaking the Conflict of Interest Act, the Prime Minister was found guilty of breaking the Act, the (international) trade minister was found guilty of breaking the Act,” Barrett countered. “How can Canadians have confidence in the officers of Parliament if these guys are stacking the deck?”
Remember when there was armed rebellion over this kind of bullshit?

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William Lyon Mackenzie remembers (well... he would if he wasn't long dead for 162 years...)

"We contend that in all laws made, or to be made, every person shall be bound alike—neither should any tenure, estate, charter, degree, birth or place, confer any exemption from the ordinary course of legal proceedings and responsibilities whereunto others are subjected."

- William Lyon Mackenzie
"We contend that in all laws made, or to be made, every person shall be bound alike—neither should any tenure, estate, charter, degree, birth or place, confer any exemption from the ordinary course of legal proceedings and responsibilities whereunto others are subjected."

- William Lyon Mackenzie
Sounds like white supremacy to me.
Back then, "person" had a different meaning. "We the people" also struggled with it.
They weren't the only ones

There is no doubt that elites directly derived from the natural order

As history will testify, wherever true democracy reigns, the life of the people is
permeated with sound traditions, which it is not legitimate to destroy.

The primary representatives of these traditions are the ruling classes, or rather,
the groups of men and women, or the associations, which set the tone, as we say,
for the village or the city, for the region or the entire country.

Whence the existence and influence, among all civilized peoples, of aristocratic institutions,
aristocratic in the highest sense of the word, like certain academies of widespread and welldeserved

And the nobility is in that number too.

Without claiming any privilege or monopoly, it is, or ought to be, one of these institutions.
It is a traditional institution, founded on the continuity of an ancient education.

Of course, in a democratic society, which our own wishes to be, the mere title of birth no longer
suffices to command authority or esteem; therefore, in order to preserve in worthy
fashion your elevated station and social rank, indeed to increase it and raise it, you
must truly be an elite,

you must meet the conditions and fulfill the indispensable
demands of the epoch wherein we live.
Pope Pius XII: Allocution of January 16, 1946


21. Hence follows a first conclusion with its practical consequence, the state does not contain in itself and does not mechanically bring together in a
given territory a shapeless mass of individuals.

22. It is, and should in practice be, the organic and organizing unity of a real people. The people, and a shapeless multitude (or, as it is called, "the
masses") are two distinct concepts.

23. The people lives and moves by its own life energy; the masses are inert of themselves and can only be moved from outside. The people lives by
the fullness of life in the men that compose it, each of whom at his proper place and in his own way is a person conscious of his own responsibility and of his own views.

24. The masses, on the contrary, wait for the impulse from outside, an easy plaything in the hands of anyone who exploits their instincts and
impressions; ready to follow in turn, today this flag, tomorrow another.

25. From the exuberant life of a true people, an abundant rich life is diffused in the state and all its organs, instilling into them. with a vigor that is
always renewing itself, the consciousness of their own responsibility, the true instinct for the common good.

26. The elementary power of the masses, deftly managed and employed, the state also can utilize: in the ambitious hands of one or of several who
have been artificially brought together for selfish aims, the state itself, with the support of the masses, reduced to the minimum status of a mere
machine, can impose its whims on the better part of the real people: the common interest remains seriously, and for a long time, injured by this
process, and the injury is very often hard to heal.

27. Hence follows clearly another conclusion: the masses as we have just defined them are the capital enemy of true democracy and of its ideal
of liberty and equality.
Democracy and a Lasting Peace
1944 Christmas Message of His Holiness Pope Pius XII


This is a matter, in my opinion, of culture.

These addresses were to the conservative elements of European society who had actively worked to suppress, in their own words "liberal democracy". They had lost in the field. Now they had to come to terms with their new situation.

And thus Christian Democrats and the elision of the Euro Establishment with the Tory Establishment of the UK - represented at the EU by the European Peoples' Party - nominally centre-right. And appealing to any others of the "top down" persuasion.

"The EPP is the biggest and most influential European political family"
I think the more traditional term is "natural ruling party", which is less divine and more law of nature...

Depends how Enlightened you are. It is still top down.
And they have been the GoC the most.

Listening to a podcast this weekend and the presenter said something to effect of "the CPC is basically a reset party, that Canadians elect when the Liberals have to be reset".
Not so sure about that comment. (Wiki)
The difference between "natural ruling" and "natural governing" -

"thou shall" and "thou shall not".

The difference between requesting permission and begging forgiveness.

William Webb Ellis of rugby is my kind of liberal - "with a fine disregard of the rules"
